
This page is an addition from my another blog named The Red Dot Diary. It is about my experience of living in Singapore for about six years.

2. DP & EP Approved

Today (April 15, 2014) I was told that the Employment Pass and Dependent Pass for both of us got approved by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM), Singapore. This means we only have 10 days to move winding up everything in Mumbai.

Though I have been packing on and off in the middle of work and travels, it was not enough. It was time for the movers and packers to do the final packing.

Very soon we realised how moving within the country and moving to a different country are two hugely different things. There are rules and restrictions in every step. Moreover, Singapore is infamous for having rules for everything. But we are positive and prepared. 

Most of our things are to be left behind. The reason being, majority of Singapore houses for rent are fully furnished. We will not need any of our things like dining table, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, gas stove, cylinders and any other household goods. We decided to move everything to our apartment in Guwahati. We decided to go to Singapore only with our clothes.

The movers and packers surveyed the house and the things to be moved. They assured that even my plants in the balcony will be moved without damage or death. I was relieved. They will finish their work into days. The clock is ticking! In the middle of this madness, I also have to go to Guwahati!

1. The Moving

The moving preparation begins. Yesterday (April 12, 2014), some cardboard boxes and cartons arrived on request. Those I wanted before the movers and packers started their packing. I have learnt it from experience that the moment the packers start their work at home, it’s a chaos. They pack up everything and I always forget what was kept where. Though they do the marking of the boxes, small items get lost in their endeavour to utilise empty spaces in the boxes. I especially wanted to wind up the office myself as I didn’t want to lose anything.

 That’s me today and I had to fill just 6 such cartons. I can use a little help. Who’s listening?